x86 emu Linux - settings working
- have a MS-DOS 8.0 compatible floppy image to boot in PocketDOS ( I used the floppy you can create with Windows Millenium, rem before each line of the autoexec.bat file)
- create with WinImage a 2MB88 floppy where you put the following files extracted from Slackware 7.1 :
* loadlin.exe
* bzImage ( choose the bare kernel)
* umsdos.gz from the rootdisks folder
* linux.bat, containing the following line :
loadlin bzImage initrd=umsdos.gz root=/dev/ram0
( note that rw is not specified)
- check the bootsector of the 2,88 floppy to be Win95/98
- boot PocketDOS by A:, go to the 2,88 floppy by B: and type linux
You may get :
VPS: Mounted root (Minix File System)
Freeing unused kernel memory : 60k freed
INIT : version 2.76 booting
none on /proc type proc (rw)
INIT: Entering runlevel 4
log now as root
cd .. to go to /
ls to list the directory and files :
bin cdrom etc lib proc sbin tmp var
boot dev floppy mnt root tag usr
You can now navigate in the directories and cat files to see their contents, and wait for the Knights to get a solution to get
Arm-Linux on your device.
Note that your ZipSlack HDD can't be seen for the moment (unable to read partition table for hda), and that loading the RAMDISK is a bit long.